The French and Indian War
Turning The Tide
Questions Part III
1) How did the French and Indian War turn into a World Conflict? How did this affect North America?
In 1758, the French and Indian war became a global conflict because all over the world there were people fighting (over Europe in Germany, West Africa fought for control over the slave trade, India was the battlefield for the fight over a piece of Asia).
2) How do the British treat Washington when he asks for a Royal Commission? Why do they turn him down?
Washington asks for a Royal Commission because he needs money and men to fight the French but he wasn’t successful enough in his battles to receive more money by Britain. So they did not accept his commission and sent his back again.
3) How do Pitt's policies change the colonists’ attitudes toward the war?
The colonists felt to be treated as inferiors but the British and they were dissatisfied with their situation.
Granting the colonists want they wanted, Pitt changed the colonists’ mood over night. He knows that the colonists are loyal members of the British Empire, and that they were willing to fight in battles against the French.
4) Describe the Battle of Ticonderoga.
The winner of the Battle of Ticonderoga was France. They were able to kill or wound nearly 2000 British people because Montcalm let his people build a good defense.
After that, he realizes that he needs a lot more men and supply from France to defeat the British completely.
5) What was the western supply post for the French? How did it fall?
A fort was the supply post for the French soldiers. It fell because of an attack by the British that had a strong bombing. The fort surrenders within few hours. This was a very bad day for the French.
6) Why is the St. Lawrence River important?
The river allowed troops to cross the country very easily. Also, goods could be transported by it.
7) What are the reasons the natives leave the French side?
The natives joined the French´s fights because it was their surviving strategy. But then, the Indians had a lot of problems to deal with: More and more men were dying in battles and they had to be replaced, a great hunger broke out and smallpox went about.
8) Why do the Virginians (under Washington) and the Pennsylvanians clash over Forge's road? What does this say about the colonies?
The colonies did not cooperate with each other. The Pennsylvanians wanted to use a straighter road than the Virginians wanted to.
9) Pittsburg is named after who?
It is named after the prime minister.
10) How do you feel about George Washington and his participation in the French and Indian War? Why?
I think George Washington was not really prepared for such a big war. Maybe he wasn't aware of the effects of his actions.
He was not a good gain for the British.
Good answers. 10/10