The War That Made America
Unlikely Allies
1) Why do only the Mohawk agree to fight with General Johnson?
The Mohawk had a close relationship to General Johnson, and all the other tribes didn’t want to break their neutrality because it was a “white man’s war”
2) What are the results of the Battle of Lake George?
Johnson won the battle, but 30 warriors died, his men got tired and the Mohawk returned home to mourn their dead. The French lost 150 colonials.
3) For what purposes did the Native Americans take captive? (List three)
They took captives
- to frighten settlers into leaving
- because the need for captives grew (they needed them as replacement for their own dead men that died in battles)
- ransom
4) Why is the story of Mary Jemison presented? What purpose does it serve?
Her story is presented to show an example what could happen to captives taken by the Native Americans.
5) Do you agree with Washington's disciplinary practices on deserters? Why or why not?
Washington’s method was to produce fear in his soldiers. Some men were killed because they didn’t want fight for him.
I don’t agree with this method because it is a very cruel way to make people obey to what you say, but I think that this was just a normal and very common way of treating soldiers in that time.
6) Who is Montcalm and why doesn't he like the Natives?
Montcalm was the new general of France. Although he didn’t like the Natives he didn’t hesitate to use them. The reason for his dislike was that their way of living and their culture was just too different from his own French way of life. He thought they were not civilized enough.
7) What is the Native Americans code of honor? How does this differ from the Europeans' Code of War?
The Native’s way of fighting was taking captives and everything that seemed worth being taken with them.
The European’s saw this as savagery because they fought more “civilized.”
8) Discuss the culture clash that happens at Fort William Henry.
There was some inharmoniousness between the Natives and Europeans. The people from Europe didn’t like the American’s way of fighting (plundering, taking captives…) so they tried to stop this. This made the Natives angry.
To top it all off, the French had a dinner with the British without inviting the Native Americans.
Good answers 8/8