Monday, September 20, 2010

The Scarlet Letter 3

The Scarlet Letter

Chapter Two

Entry Three

In the second chapter the storyline begins. The plot starts with Hester Prynne stepping out of the prison and the whole citizens staring at her. On her chest sports the big scarlet letter A. It stands for “adultery”, the sin she had comitted.
The letter is described as “so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effort of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore” and that it had “the effect of a spell, taking her out of th ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself.”
The letter has the same color as the rose-bush, mentioned in chapter one. The bush is placed in front of the prison, well visible for every person passing the front door. It has nearly the same effect as the letter does. It catches everyone’s attention and directs it to the sins of the world (the letter directs the attention to Hester’s adultery, the rose-bush directs it to the shameful place of the town (the prison)). 

1 comment:

  1. Is there deeper meaning her? The rose bush is wild - is there a connection with Hester? Perhaps passion is wild. Or is it innocent?
