Wednesday, September 15, 2010

History Homework 09/15/2010 (except PG 93 #1)


PG 85


After the Dutch came over to America, they started to trade with the Americas.  Soon, a new colony was founded: New Netherland. The main city was New Amsterdam (now New York). Because the Dutch West Company wanted to expand their territory, they undertook to give every man who brought at least 50 persons to work for them on their lands a large estate. These people were called patroons and were able to rule like a king.
After some years, New Amsterdam was renamed in New York. It now was a proprietary colony, which means that one person (owner) had all power. He owned all land and controlled the government.
In 1680, William Penn came over to settle Pennsylvania. He was a Quaker and he believed in pacifism. Furthermore he didn’t want to take away land from the Natives.


The Charter of Liberties granted the colonists of Pennsylvania the right to elect representatives to the legislative assembly. Furthermore, in 1703, the lower counties were allowed to form their own legislature.


William Penn respected the fact that the land to which the colonists came to belonged to the Native Americans and he was of the opinion that they should pay for it.


The Puritans wanted to reform the Anglican Church because they didn’t agree with the British government. Although they wanted not to be restricted to a certain religion, they didn’t tolerate other religions but their own when they came to America (though they came for religious freedom!). The Quakers in contrast accepted other people’s religions.


Colony    Type of government
New York    The colonists wanted to have a representative government. First they met with a refusal but eventually they achieved a legislature elected by them
New Jersey    In 1702 New Jersey became a royal colony but the colonists were allowed to continue making local laws
Pennsylvania    The settlers in Pennsylvania had a legislative assembly to which they were allowed to elect representatives.
The lower counties were also allowed to form their own legislature


Title: The middle colonies
Items shown in the key: Grain, Cattle, Fish, Lumber, Rum and Iron
Products important to Pennsylvania: Cattle, Lumber, Iron, Grain, Rum

PG 93



The French settlement grew so slowly because their settlement system consisted of estates along the St. Lawrence River. The persons who owned estates only received land when they brought new settlers to the colony.


Margaret Brent was the first female landowner in Maryland (owning land in her own name) and one of the largest owners. But in 1648, she moved away to Virginia because the government of Maryland refused to allow her two votes (one for her as a landowner and one as the legal representative of Lord Baltimore.)


I think that Bacon’s rebellion was definitely a sign of more unrest to come.
The settlers were divided into two groups: One part of them didn’t care about the Native Americans and that they are the rightful owners of the land, but on the other side there was the other part of them. They did care about who’s land they are living on.
This had to end up in conflicts.


Country    Region
Spain    Most of Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America
France    They went to North America (Quebec)


Virginia included Norfolk
Main projects of Georgia: Indigo, Rice
South Carolina major city: Charles Town

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