The Iroquois Constitution
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Who plants and names the Tree of the Great Peace with Dekanawidah?
Dekanawidah plants this tree with the Five Nations confederate lords. The five Nations were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and the Seneca tribes.
To whom is Dekanawidah speaking? Who is Adodarhoh?
Dekanawidah speaks to Adodarhoh and his cousin lords. Adodarhoh was the Chief confederate lord of the Onondaga, on whose land the council fire was lit.
How does a candidate lord show his pledge to the council? What does his offering symbolize?
The candidate lord has to provide four strings of shells, which are bound together at one end. This may mean that he is connected with nature and accepts the laws of the constitution.
In what ways does this excerpt from the Iroquois Constitution incorporate nature in the rituals it describes?
When the lords come together for an assembly, the Onondaga lords open it by thanking the nature. They start with the earth, go on with trees, the moon, the fruits etc. and end with offering thanks to the Great Creator.
Are the values and moral code described in the Constitution appropriate for the members and leaders of a government?
The Iroquois Constitution said that all lords must be honest in all things and their people must have respect to their honorable positions and hold them in high estimation. Furthermore it was forbidden to lead a lord into trivial affairs.
In my opinion these instructions are not good for a today’s government. Everyone should be able to voice his or her own opinion, whether it is for or against the parliament. If you are not allowed to criticize the politicians, then they can do whatever they want to and maybe they use this freedom for their own profits.
What is the purpose of he meeting at which Dekanawidah speaks? Why do you think oratory skills were prized by the Iroquois?
They might assemble for making new affairs between their tribes and vote for or against new laws for their constitution.
Oratory skills might be prized because if you have them, you autoatically seem more edutated which is good for such a great position as the leader (lord) of a constitution.
Why do you think Dekanawidah refers to the assembld lords as “cousins”?
When Dekanawidah speaked of his “cousins”, he did not mean his real, related cousins. In fact this name makes clear that the leaders of the constitution work close together and form a unit.
What qualities should a leader have? What qualities should a leader put aside?
The qualities that are required for becoming a lord are that he needs to have a “thick skin” (he has to get along with criticism, anger etc.), but he’s also required to have a good heart. His goal of being the mentor for so many people should be that all his folks can live in peace, harmony and wealth. He also shall be patient with his responsibility. Besides, he should always keep in mind that there are coming generations so that he makes decisions which create a good basis for the future.
The constitution also named the qualities that a lord better not has. He better not dwell in anger or fury, instead, he shall be calm and even-tempered. Furthermore, he’s not allowed to be selfish.
What does this selection reveal about the relationship the Native Americans had with nature?
The American Natives had a very close relationship to their nature. Both the opening and the introduction contains the nature. In the opening, the Onondaga lord shall thank for all the benfits they got (like the sun, water, animals, winds, sun, etc). When the council is opened and a new lord is to be installed, a speaker of the council holds a shell string in his hands while he’s speaking. This is also an indication to the nature.
Which elements of this constitution would you include in your own government? Which types of behavior not included in this excerpt would you regulate by law?
If I had the chance to form my own constitution, I would include that the leader must have a look on the future and coming generations. This is one really important thing which is in mostly all today’s countries not to be found. Furthermore, self-interest has to be left aside. Politicians should lead a country responsible, and they should be aware of the fact that their decision take effect on all the people living there.
One more thing that I would include (which is not named here) is that the freedom of the inhabitants of a country ranks first. Neither a leader nor a lord or politician has the right to determine what someone’s religion has to be. And everybody has the right to voice his or her own opinion. In my opinion, this is one of the most important thing of a constitution.