Thursday, January 13, 2011

1) Wan
2) Prodigality
3) Feigned
vorgetaeuscht, geheuchelt
4) Languidly
gelangweilt, muede
5) Colossal
6) Complacency
Selbstgefaelligkeit, Wohlbehagen
7) Levity
Ungezwungenheit, Leichtherzigkeit
8) Extemporizing
9) Supercilious
10) Infinitesimal
verschwindend klein
11) Fractiousness

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Words Of They Day

Fractiousness (n)
My fractiousness is extremely stressed when I'm coming home hungry after basketball practice and all there is to eat is soup. I hate it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Words Of The Day

Supercilious (adj)
Being super successful in sports might be a trigger for someone to be supercilious.

Infinitesimal (adj)
I can just repeat this sentence: The chances I will score a point for basketball are infinitesimal :(

Monday, January 10, 2011

Words Of The Day

Levity (n)
My levity made me join the basketball team. Oh gosh. What a mistake.

extemporizing (adj)
I extemporized on the basketball court during the Don Hather tournament because I had to idea what to do.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Words of the Day

colossal (adj)
Being colossal is a huge advantage for playing basketball successfully.

complacency (n)
I am very complacent at the moment because I just ate a banana. 

Thursday, January 06, 2011

The Great Gatsby Study Questions

The valley of ashes is halfway between west egg and new york, it's a farm where ashes grow, everything is grey, it symbolizes death
T. J. Eckleburg's billboard stands there, he is staring down on the people

These eyes are watching everything because they are huge, like God's eyes

Nick describes him as blond,  spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handsome. All in all, he seems lifeless. His wife is more lively but not attractive either.
He symbolizes the death of the American Dream because he appears to be liveless, almost dead. He didn't make it from rags to riches.

New York is a big and busy city. A lot of different people live and work there.The place where dreams and reality meet.

It is a gossip magazine, it symbolizes that New York is a gossip town. It might be a foreshadow that Nick and Tom, etc. will be in the town tattle soon.

They live below the apartment Tom and Mrs. Wilson have their affair in. 
Mr McKee: a pale, female man
Mrs McKee: A shrill, languid, handsome and horrible woman
Mr McKee is a photographer, but he is not too successful in his business. He needs an entry into the photography business.

Catherine is the only person not drinking, she is Myrtle's sister. She seems to be involved in all the conversations going on.

Daisy is catholic, therefore she doesn't believe in divorce. Obviously, Tom must have made up this lie.

Her dream is being rich, famous, admired (she dreams the American Dream).

She comes from a lower education, she is superficial. It represents her class.

She is a naive and "blond" woman, she doesn't know the world. Catherine is a gullible person in my opinion.

The rumor is that Gatsby has his money from Kaiser Wilhelm. She might wouldn't want to be connected to him because he is rich. But her tone reveals she is interested in him because he is mysterious. Catherine wants to get to know him.

Myrtle looks for an advantage in everything, she married him because she thought he could offer her a new / better life. As soon as she discovers this is not going to happen, she starts regretting this marriage. That's like her dog choice; she ended up with a mutt instead of a pure police dog.

He broke her nose because they argued about whether Mrs Wilson is allowed to say Daisy's name or not (Tom thinks she is not worth enough to mention her name). Plus, he is a violent person and he doesn't care about Myrtle's feelings.

Words of the Day

Feigned (adj)
Most of the people are feigned, escpecially boys, they play with our feelings.

Languidly (adv)
I languidly did my homework yesterday because I was so tired...

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Great Gatsby

Homework 01/05/11
Chapter One Study Questions

The main theme of “The Great Gatsby” is about the death / impossibilities of the American Dream. He uses these words to eventually make clear that this dream is not possible to live.

He has a college education, he has a well family background, he observes situations.

It’s set in 1922, June 7th.

Nick comes from Chicago and later moved western to study at the Yale University. He is not poor but does not belong to the “old wealth.” He seems to be an honest person, which is a good skill for narrating.

Jordan Baker is a cynical or “hard” type of person. She seems to be the opposite of Daisy who is a little naïve and blonde. Jordan is a smart woman. The first thing Nick notices about her is her raised chin, she holds it “as if she were balancing something on it which was quite likely to fall.”

Nick somehow seems to be intimidated by Jordan’s appearance (“I was almost surprised into murmuring an apology for having disturbed her by coming in”).

Tom thinks about himself as a clever and smart kind of person, but in fact he is racist and a womanizer. Probably, he is a good-looking guy, that’s what makes him so confident. He appears to be superficial.

Nick describes her laugh as “an absurd, charming little laugh.” It is like a song, contagious and melodious. This makes her seems almost fairy; she is a very fragile woman but it also makes her seem naïve.

Jordan seems to know how human beings “work,” she has experienced enough to know the world. She can’t be fooled by anyone. She might have experienced something (like being fooled by a man) that makes her think that way.

Tom is a womanizer and racist, he doesn’t care about his wife or other people. He introduces the book he recently read as a scientific book, but in fact it spreads racism. He has an affair with a woman from New York. Furthermore, he has a lot of money and he belongs to the “old (true) wealth.”


Words of the Day

Wan  (adj)
A sick person's face is usually wan because of the illness.

Prodigality (n)
Shopaholics suffer from prodigality; they spend too much money on buying (useless) things.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Words Of The Day

pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion

wastefulness, spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully








